Monday, April 7, 2008

Tips on acheiving a flat stomach

I believe that most people are worried the most about their abdominals so I thought I'd give you a little more sites that will explain toning the stomach more. This article gives additional information on toning your stomach than last weeks posts. The writer also mentions the transverse abdominis muscle as did I in the previous post. "Incorporate the Plank Pose into your ab routine. The Plank Pose works the transverse abdominis muscle. This muscle is responsible for holding the stomach in and supporting posture."

This article introduces some other ways to help flatten your stomach, such as: walking or jogging 3 times a week, eating certain foods, not eating before bed, and it even says that you can indulge in sweets!

Another thing I found that will trick your abdomen into getting toned is to switch up your work-out. Make up a set of abdominal work-outs that you want to do one day, as in planks, curl crunch, leg lifts. and the next day working most on the obliques along with some sets V-crunches. This will make sure you work all 3 stomach area muscles.

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